Archive Mode. Call Explorations in Watermedia ended on 7/24/21, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Explorations in Watermedia Exhibition

September 4, 2021 to October 30, 2021.
Curtis Center for the Arts

2349 East Orchard
Greenwood Village, CO 80121


Open to all artists, 18 years of age or older, residing in Colorado.  CWS members who have moved out of state and maintain membership may enter.

Entry Requirements

  • Paintings must be predominantly water media watercolor, acrylic, gouache, casein or tempera on paper or synthetic paper, or canvas. Painting must have been completed within the last two years starting from Jan. 1, 2019 to present and not previously shown in a juried or non juried exhibition in Colorado.  Artist’s original work only. No copies or likenesses of another artist’s work. No copies or partial copies of any published source whether copyrighted or not copyrighted. No copies of any published material on the internet, videos, magazines, or newspapers. Your photos must be your own taken by yourself. No use of other people’s photos even if given permission, because it is their vision, not yours. No work done in a class or workshop or under the direction of anyone but yourself. Any collage material must be produced by yourself. No computer generated or digital art will be accepted. The painting must be painted by one person, yourself. Original as defined in the Oxford Dictionary: existing from the first, earliest. being a thing from which a copy or translation has been made. firsthand, not imitative, new in character or design. You may be asked to provide your photo if there is any question of originality. Anything other than original is plagiarism. 


  • Minimum image size 8 X 10 inches. All works must be delivered ready to hang and framing must meet gallery quality standards. Frames, if used, must have hardware with picture wire in place. No saw tooth hangars. If matted, all works must be in clean white or off white mats and under plexiglass. Work on acrylic or canvas does not need to be framed, but must present as ready to hang as in “gallery wrapped” with edges finished and with picture wire in place. Watercolor paintings may be presented sealed with acrylics and framed without plexiglass or mats, but up to gallery presentation standards.

  • Since this is an explorative exhibit, your painting must be accompanied by a short note explaining how you have demonstrated your personal exploration of watermedia by attempting to try something new, be it going from representational to abstract, or sealing the painting and not using plexiglass, or painting on Raymar, or watercolor paper on wood panel.   There is a box on the submission page titled "Description of Your Exploration."  Please use it to explain why this is a new exploration for you.

  • Digital files must conform to the following requirements: Images should be cropped so that only the painting image shows and only that part of the painting that will show when the painting is matted or framed. No mats, hands, background, edges, etc. should be visible in the entry image.

File Format

jpg files (no exceptions). The resolution must be 300 dpi.  Submissions must be under 4mb and a minimum dimension of 540px and a maximum dimension of 1920px on the longest side.  ArtCall will permanently resize submissions. 

Delivery and Pickup

Instructions for delivery or shipping will be provided with notification of acceptance.

Sales of Artwork

All entries must be for sale.  No price changes will be accepted. A 30% commission will be charged on all sales. Commission checks will be mailed to artists within 45 days of Exhibition Close. Price your paintings accordingly.


Membership can be renewed at

The following is a quick tutorial explaining how to submit your images to this Exhibit.